Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 1 (2024)

htkmljkttats vou iwno s3 formation of cadet corps approved by school board if the uniform makte tin men then aetoa high school imic tudrfit n oon mick out their chevh and ml lhr head met in nv air monday uujrrt dhool board memhort approved omurflon of voyi1 canadian arniv cde4 conpi vicepn nerval michael ttevun old the bord hse interew among the tttuksnfs had hen abnorm ally hitps in a cult i corp in recommending hu curp he waul there seould b great opportun ity for the boy o learn 1o bhoot prop riv cadet would re owvc llbo for atlendiftf homimr cmiftp vtul there would be treeal tnlerevl in rbe uniform and ttie boy would wcw il properly enrolment tn the cadet corps wim vk voloniarv and linrfruetuwi period will be held toiler wchool huuit ttard yalee cwar the vc principal explained thecunudun arms would provide uniform tend nco ihc in si yer adler tbi ttmt il wilt he tip to tin whool huard to pros ide equipment urul supervision boated member preunl chak man jack reui vice chairman dsvim cnycl trustee- duncan moffat and ctw4er afuwrton fctp- prowd t he deve lopme nl of i h odet corn tartatwmoutlv trustee kerwwi uojhuol vu fabeent th ibe meeting approval of the cad i corp preceded roeept il irfudenth stamhn4p dunny laettr nam liruilionw ounrsy the rvpuii ew i hi examination cisulle h eta j noted that hc failure rshi in i yrade nru tnjttrmatw sea over v per et m at a rivull of the bfcyh lariurx rait in yiade iwm board nrum hers proposed a edoeer liaoon xeith puhlu sctvook in order to i lukie urade mm vtudenls into the fsropcr currculw mrtam i wiiii traaanbig vuevpnruipal ilex an blamed wrony sirtanhrvji for hie hiuh rutt ol failures n bc yrade nine lcvtl he said uwm students in tin iisessar mrum should not he there ul all piinetpal i ilinsen vatd mitf ytvluifh had btn oft c red ut the s viau amts and sco ni nylkh hutorv gehiifruphv malhematit se tenet botany ttuthrv in ne h latin com men la i shophomt u lnjjhvh hulorv geoarapliv mtkemutu science cofnmereial shopllunw cc agriculture mukie guuk ruiu 10 1 1 ii 1 uk 12 pun till px lull pss 1 ill plsn lull 76 20 70 2 4s ii 19 71 j 14 49 s 48 1 14 68 4 42 7 11 4 61 m s7 h 42 ii v 21 70 j6 ml 14 44 ii 4 h 10 i 1 1 m 12 60 ii u 16 2 12 28 14 2 6 19 2 1 6 19 64 f 2 6 21 1 44 9 2 4 4 ylih abts and scitnc rjik 9 gnuk 10 ck- 1 1 piv i ail pav fail p iv i nl ii 7 10 9 ii ii in 6 29 20 28 26 ii 12 5 14 1 10 7 ii cnulc ii spkui comnwrcul pass n 10 n 10 11 n n i ail 0 ihtk u4un uiajt iivl hhvil ixguuriil lor tuttli ia ihkii bul public scikmji itaclurs vitwv nuiri lamikar sxitii iik hjrwu karn m tohthlv chairman juib uiij pmfvutasj itrtnuvjialir action uwmikl lu lak tn and 1iivlx llvalirttl fntil siitfytskd atthin vluiuul ik laltn sslli fhihlk vtlhhh imuick4a fsaw suasttsi i sjih smy aital a lull tn ordit lo i4ilain pnvr inlor milion lo tats onto ttu iviiwl nals titislit ountan mollat s onlt cimmnh 01 lliv t n uills tas vtt tvad tins txhikl rm an fiiolik ins in iih luluu pnntknal i a hanstn luld iht hoard ni tiopi ntt vial ik lo halt ixllir uatluis klalt oil in yiaik huh in llu list stat vlrcam and kah liivui laiks us uill tlii wann sinning r s ith 1 tills vwik has still lwwhii still rlny outdoors in ixniovi stmin uintlints anil tkin up suds mint iriilltis h it alrt ulv ixtn hwinutnu tluhs tktarwtio dy llu kitiraiin i lomnulki in pnxhjmn mx luu kid in siyns lot the minis this t i iht inup null 1 huii in in ah iimin his iik i 1 in tnj1 llu tinnu1l p11 uk ouklkm siii ind iluui itloii ol 11 iais llu oniniilttt h is pi 1 ions k pin thistd 12 htd i 11mj11s brenda fryer todet of year tht st jhn ambulttkt eoun nl is pi mid to jniuhiikt thit h11 rul 1 0irt i mr ti is tin tht idet of tin yt h a nd tor fier it ik ral pixrf te le nt ui tht no 417 atlun conbinod diivion tht uinmny cdot veitlrtsetivt u btuik yimnursk t ion i ted b p w cvilmoin ostj and kathleen iitithhit mrt dstj in me in oi- ot hum liu mi uul toinui president ol tht on t mo touneil the tale nmliitlur i in tiinirnr i inel mho died enrlier this vcir the ellu ulll reeelve c lele i nlhvt ol the white cioss h mviivuettte lets suit hl inseiih ed acton ontario thursday aay 7 i94 fourtn pqmt4n cmnii muii iimiiu michail hanion landed tbii 0 inch brown trout wh ch we ghad in at thraa poertdt it wit an ekcit nj vent for lha younor a it wa h firtt biq f th hi i ihinq ikt a secret the boy t fathftr was injured m an codent t acton i met ton querriet tim weeks ago and the f h hit been fait frozen nd will ba terved when dad returnt hcwie irom hoip tal fhii weekend a- a- press school renovation for centennial project a centennial protect battle between the towmh p coun c i of namgaweyi and a 12mmbr group ol towmh p women came to a climax monday evening as the two groups met he don in the council chambers mrs maurice newton and a qroup called the women o nanaqaweya centennial protect commiitea presented a petit on bearing 320 names urcjing council to rebuild s s 3 school for a townsh p office buildmn at an estimated cost of j7 000 as a project to mark canada s centennial in 1967 the council had earlier talked of a new adm n straiion bu id iq poss bly s luaied beside the present townsh p garage or t r guelph line and rumored costs were j 40 000 georgetown copsdistrict meet milton wins second acton third gooryeleuen hurh elukl atlt- ule ouliliviancetl vtneunls lixim aelnn inn tiul milttm mi tmswdav tliinnit tht iwossa difclrwl tiaek and litld d n at hh giulph oat ulhn tlus tallied tiu iihs pointi durinjj i he da compt liliein u keen through uul the tvints uith milton i ik iild kevorul nni atur eelyinj out acton who eami thirtt geoi-gc- toun hvktit tlu nut t aiut vurv nlted ojbeuk lot the eompetit iom tbt tolknuitf ate the levultfc ut live das last name s tml awrimkitji i sure rxsexirded bv olhei ik atttr taeh name is tht initial of the sehool hit student attends it i a aelon o georetuven mi mullein l i tin wys i oantam v i 100 aid dah walker a lit mv csbm n a st it i g shot nut cashuni a 28 2 vaalkei al coe k g lonp jump stset g 14 2u vaalkti la ferp u von l junior 0 it j hurdles ihmslnn i1t 17 p s4s xuceug a mt u it hit at 100 siul dishmekcown t t see hilts g ksdti a ird dash paisons g v6 see mekmmii g lluuslon m 440 mini dish p irsons g s7 see greson v with mi gt fkso sitd dish v ith mi g 2 nun 20 2 i ittuxon gl iks jin m one mile wtthatn g nun sf mi gltsii i i eiuson unit lump ii il is g 17 v pirstin tt kstlei a conttniiei1 on lle vun utt ptuoa e day in acton w htd salurcjav and brown let ind guides wltid the town as they told tbeir war from door to door local tvwchartl fracj gordon was one of th first sales mad by iherrwoolrli abov- leftio ricjhi ar karwajhloytmr gcrdon an crojaaccui crmon many order had bh placed beforehand the people prtestinii llu rumored 40 000 ojlux hiiildinu eimukil hu btcn eiinsuunny tlu wonuns ceu ttnmal ceuumitit*e dropped their knyrhs 20nune pelitson in the eihmeik lap accomp4nled by a epoetin by mie ctunmittee duur- iadv mrs m neulon tluii in nun more senjhna luul mxiihis lo add their tumn in ttu trvt and only time ha ptese nie el tfioir btin inesuded luie s9u saul mn newton vuiesun1 esxn 140 000 and a 70 000 trains hid also been rum nrvd ts tn sppulhnuk extrasatf uit tiijute tot our courseil lo be iormeu rin spend my lor this kmnsfbip thteh is alreudv heav lis in debt hir ntvs consojidut eel vjkki unpihl tor and our tixts txuit rnsed ijcti star si7 per capita slu noted the llattun lexnils utnumstt itinn building refitstrv nllke uul cotni tuwise ssav tr eeted hll i ptulklllvm o 12000 il eesl irf 70 000 or a per p i i sthtk nassoyavesa s 2 mm popwlitmn ssould be osktsd tn p is out 7 im esers man ue- lll in nut ebilel il 40000 ik mpent un i btiiuhieij we elo not si inrsststt lllil wki stuhim ml hae titid do not desorst bitter quartern huin the ik xmi hise usee lor the past t us hut we teel is mj mans in this nsnship leel that in o swuk1 u htive a far mute littnie insvtei lo senir needs she srul wv lsise ivsiel the opinion ol tlu eminent ii million ate hi lex i mi i h lliishuid an uithonis ii llle le st i til til ol hlsllll le ll hoiuhns vch altnr cxtcni e v unm iikhi o4 ttu scihooj has huel thil ih major structural ttpstns ne nexessars opart hewn ivsttiniifci iht repeat cornicv ittiuns n the root we base also luui mi ii zimmerman of mli ton welt known for hu uoik as stiix nuistm in ih difctnet tor rhe past 40 voorfc vybo has said thit th amour needed to txpeuni and rxxiuw the uoocsvork eoulel rs teeiwnplished kr the stna m 12 so aru thai uiabudd m is in tint tanpc mr ardwe cauns tlu huikitrnj contnactof vvbosc son hill did so much of t lu i t e e n t re pair vsoi k in the si hook hts sai rtsat in hu o ion tlu huilelnitf is in ettxlunt eiwul 1 1 urn anil t ha t i he mte nor woi v install ition ol ptntntter utcttu twjunu and oflicc part ltksmni ttuikl be acacufupiulied tor 7 000 v cettteat box bui ltnlumen it is not onl a question of economy and tax sasinp thouph thjt is the most important pail of this pro test i cliff mckay entertains jim ralston first president of new senior citizens club jim ruklimi was hunted llu lit and mi geoi ue lisei k il u a ah lutaul uuilinu litsi pixsideiil o tlu uw vt n wiintsihiy with mis j hiailshiwl a wiuoiilt lu use the y fel- i ii tillills elllb ii the hi i i iii ll iht pmno lltlis wis ittiiultd lo llu l out alum meeting in the ymt a i cltll mekav utllknouii tiiitt hv o v mektnii ului pointed hans i iittfhi i xt week viet taliu i who n vs lists iu n i iw n mil i tlnlluu pronitun could pltsutent is 1 1 it ollaia ween h ul a shoit ttluiisd willi mis lu it i ivily uttoillhlcuuled tji mis hon il i ll ul anel lliaelsh it lu i u ttu iiutlinu mil thin mi ivuinitf projrum litivtiui miss annu auken i s iny sesnil s iifcs lh i illi il i tnsii t srni in ull piu- 1 it i ehiiinun veill tli iseit i ml im ills i i llu li up ol n h suetivi nu mh i s n heliltf hn ehiinututs lii pi yi mt is 40 le in ins hu iltooi in 1 1 immim i hs llu isteullst thew weleominy uul nu tilth i siii it n lli i inn un ii ipp u it i l in ui i s t pu le n ll i iii day ittshiiunts visiluil uul wliil un m lid is u ikii ii i ii i l is p u 7ie evil is ituinud lis nips uiiiss iiihii i 11 ix ulisi ssill s t tlu ddli of ihe hetlelll 11 illleehl jull t is tl sum inllll i sitll ill mis ill i n uhillllu ol llu 11 tt si i illh hui n eh in i ih m i iik in iii g vt lh li uts iiiimi is 1 in im a t n mil mi t u the iu w i like i s welt vl ilnl sill ill i wits ih iii 1 illi ll i iu in lit ilm i pi okp illy vic hadfield under fire at legion sports banquet the council ctuiikillurs lirsl queutoiuel hu usyahtv em mmiu ut llu names s ij ntxl on t lu pet 1 1 ion i nd deputs revxt dr u d youiu miyyvxted some 4 tlie nuiles xvimx i bofcc o peoplc u1u had tieelatvd ttvcmselvcs against the s5 3 prujeul llu comment hroeitfil an outburst lit mi mrs ntneton sviu i ijtjmi mm uttfi tht nteknamc the napoleon ol nassau rssxsa she suiresltxt he seas bulls iny rht eeiurteil and it my like a dut itor i council aexepltxl ttu peiitum und otfrctsd lo stiuls tlu veunun s p i opus j t most councillors it ll the respiration ol hu old stont seiool at the sttxmd title h suit roul inlctsextion could not be done lur 7ux meet conunlllec metnbeis tlevidtd lo luild i meeting rt s s 1 to ippi uv tin huilduil uul their tuxisum still he made to i ounmillet hewn the s omens enwip kt i liter d ite coutkll isked that iht wxv- nii n n tint m txexutise torn lipttee so diseitssums vsill be htniteil to i sin tiler jmmp al llu s iiik meelnil eountil i n s m ide i loi in il ipphe i ho n tin i i tin hum tlu minister ol tmiinuipil allots tn tht inuumt til 18 142 tot assist met in build 1 1 hi i nnmieipll hnilehnu retsi w amllei etptllluci thai rtse lussnship hid not mxessar il ntidt a dtcisiun lo buikl an ohiet birrlelinl htiseeser ttu kem ss is i al libit il applu tion seas mule in s uul llu i iwnslup miplit as will hax it n iu hoekes plisel u ii ul lulil loiv ud with mene yoik u ilile rs buihl oik ot his inmrfl est yuius sttuittis tlleitumn wlun lu se is i teed with i bat uiite ol question- inxn lulutt mill mus dm my llu alton 1 ei ion minoi sfiotts tmnqiht ml h ulhilel wll is eonsliul est iinony the top lhte tor i it k my up himlths deeltletl to tint yo i stutelti lu he sonny sk i tn i istii tkl i qiusiiun uul atlsssxr luiioet he miylil liast i uxxl ik mi i il tu it id y is i n a spetx h us some ot the q lies i mills t lusfd lum to sii uul think luluie mswt rine anuisy tlu in inv qiu slums uul uisatti woi hu folltnsiiiy o vttiil is oui opinuin ol goidie lloset a lit s llu hesl m ttu le tlnu atul is tousulerfd ttu txst ihttmnd pkistr 0 wk ts uu dullest plimi in ttu le ikiu a ll s hod to ittl tteislu i ekju muiek 0 wliu s hu more imettist a skiji shot oi wtist slum a a sens s4ml is moie rxuralt 0 hast yiui esvr lhdvthtked ixklu stxitk a i have never tustn ili it to txiteli up to hun 0 ivks ikib ijaun hand out llu shwesl uulsslheks a hob ikilin is fine ol the tiru stele knee iiumi in the le lyue and h eonsld eteel oru ol ttle h uele si hlltiny llelelkeinen 0 wnc4i is tlu best it un in tlu le il lie a i ssoulll itkl vou to hunk niss vil kinyeis ut tun set liaisx to aluny with llu thimpmns the m plt le its good tallica i ion in toiulusion mr hadheui m keel llu boss to obtain a yiniel txl ik i iron lirsl md bv suit to torn plete hiyti sehtsil betoix eunsul elllik tttiny into sports minoi shirts pitslelellt hob luhiieti h inelehl srb it bouquets to m m ilit s eieielus uul liter exs lor linu spent looking ifttr tut sounltsttts jik tunc keeper i dtlu imulhps st is yistn a st ind uvy os ithin tot dtvottny full tmu kmiklny after etuixs uul i line ivuv saluidas mi i oult ii also pa ul tiilnitt tu pun nls w alltmltsil y unes ami situirlesil husli thtulixn anil i is i vmu cist sslto usslslitl lu limd llu sevnek head table oi mm in hit the banquet gtu don meulelhsun introdektd tlu tuad tohfle yiutii red allun lean kihv lesj pope cthiiullkir itumihon ptol rub loutctl vu llulheltl sr and junior uylon piesultnl j imes ninn hill hiuh uiin hk guidon jume oiels foi i be roasl bee i ihnm i nuhukxl cteorye coupe i john lluheiyil jisek pink harry itw- ttk lean koiv jolin wt idon mike mtciishill md mh joixkm new trophy dunne tlu present alum ol iniphies the janus irophv wis inlrikliittxl fur the lust linu mil emexx gen el meculeitsun paid tubule lo otd james for riuu it lie nl st txkt he has conurtbu texl to minor spoil since com tny to aelun the trophy was preseivted to david scull of the amehtan iaiyue lor the moil v ilu ihlt plaser in the leuyiu ottur prwsenlutkirw mieliuled tin mldyxl trkhv prxsenttxl bv layion pjxmekmit james gunn in nkinaye r don rvxle r itir tht hlue hornets the gexiryc mul iii trtipliv wait prxvenlc by kih im hueliamn in man tytr oiiilu tlwmsoii if tlu huffalo le m tlu at ion creamery tn- phs ss is presented by lvun kll bs lo kttwin mtnuill manacer oi llu fliitilusltr itsun in the pee wee k it ue and llu tom watson tttlis seas presentexl bv d ixid i i wilson lo albert irwin maniy ei ol llu niiymi i alls te un in hu nostee itmytit i individual trophic i oiiil llu llinsi oirlsl iiuliny plisil in rile ntrsite le tyili john smm 1 1 1 1 is txl the juhn ptplii r i i ophs i n i he pi e wet 1a aviu 1 ul wthlon rcei i id tlu aelnn miiuh sl lmhs oi the inii oiiisiuiuluiy pi ist r gu nn iliilim s neilses hu juk kent iu i hojilis lui tuiny hu most s ilu ihu il iei ui hu mlikkt i iyiit 1 14 ntiitis ui t it ll k iyiit who net is id hophu s k luded doiiy ni ii t i hit mmilii iiiiyiit o mtlninl til hu novice chul s ulttii ot tin pet wee and it us colts iw hu lanliun i i iyui lleltvad cliefa assishny tht tuls wit hu liunyts tiot ki v pl ise is eve iv me inlu is ol hu mutyi i team llu ihiss wt it kopl imisv lartunf siexinuny pi iles t toast beef ixitiiots uul peis ktnoihercd in lrisv in euii ol the yoetln ua t well as in ikiny tixsqiuni trlpa with sivonds and itilriu ul milk al itu toiulusion of ttu event kllesl spe iktt vie ii ul hi id vvjt suiiouiuhxl with xhhig nil lo ir t iph set in is ineithis to adit bis siynitllie to llu it eol left lull trip to ottawa for carl wier l nl wui i has win thneen is itu hiyh st hool slittleni to ilteiul k uulars sponsoied ad stntuie in ciiienship in oitavva hi is spiuil he li ims hv plane sunt is uul leluins riiuiseljv he will ih stiitiiiy 1 upott fur the lite puss uul sp ikiny in a kot us c lull hue liny llu li ide 12 student it m of mi uul mis 1 wui jilfrxv asi st is selieltd bv ttu staff lo lepiesiul llu sehtktl he hat lie e el ss il it his piunts in atton tot hit p 1st se e ll si us ih lull pn yi im uu links tal k 1 111s in i sptiil iseuls aininil td i 11 llu 241 tuyh sehool lu ileitis limn ill osit c mad 1 the piofeel is m itiuu il urn i ilnllv smiusoied hs hu loetl roiary iluhs ui i hi oh iw 1 km irv haevx lis ate sim tununj sour on t buildinji tht xour pioneer my imvlathers itsok the motvrs ttoin thetr tirlds the lose of edu i at ion or their e hildren f ruin iheir hearts and vwval from their bmuf to hojld how out vou think hiat a cement block box on the ctunpheltvihe hoad cooid ever cisc you or the tills be tlllmul okl sehool impiri ltt its 4 n issat issi 1 otu f the last bos tu wis ol ruy jexl indie idualism in our prt- vinee turn our buk tnstt ul on hu eneins this ipnulmiik tinker ol etvnhwimts whwh cxirrupts ihir poxevr tu think ami makes us act like the vcrv sheep in our dtkk le4 us lipfit here a candle toi can ul 1 s hunditdth hu hulas eake ih it slll she el its hht rbrouyb all hk rural commund tes of our counrrr wi that tbev tin mav sxarm their hearts al i its yltm and hyhi their own in turn so that our founding fat hers muv kiuk with prule on pttuet euieeulah each nther here are people uho i are proud of thetr canadian 1 hervtave and do not spurn whut set 3c left in rheir ieepmc 1 the concluded criudua couiielllor i mrs newton vuttaevtcd the itourvship ratepayer wants uxre beans ijrnored bv the council and criticized couneil and rss go u hodotod tiall the uluu of pndd and achieve ovent that the autcvmtiou of siinfiested that all old ehoukl he hurtled councilors arcued that a pell telephone mirveyiklthe town ship population would rite to at leewt 30000 by i9m but mrs eute frank of the defoliation suggested that the population in creased only 300 over ihe tat 10 year and she felt the won being overly oprimlotic past nild day champions at acton district hirjh whool proudly display ieu ribbons al m con- elusion of the track and ftftld events last friday knoalmo frontwow left lo riflht are qti bantam champion mary grischosv boys bantam bruce casbwm and aru luiuor belty c00v back rosv left to noht intermediate qirls kay chlshom boys iimior john mcgeacbie sdntor bn7i6rrhtierrthlernedtsie boytaiun hail and tied for lenior a irisr barbara norton and bonnie mcdowgall


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1964, p. 1 (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.