The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois (2025)

Marine or Branded Initiation Service An initiation service for new members of the Eastern Star was held at St. Jacob on Friday evening. Those attending from tine were Mrs. Isola Gindter, Mrs. Ethel Zimmerman, Helen Liedel, Louise Liedel, Elsie Gehra, Elbertine Pence, Emma May, Linda Ahlmeyer, Alma Spindler, Marsha Nickles, Carrie Manville, Lulu Barnes, Hazel Volgt, Margaret Volgt, Mildred Bickhne, Carrie Lampe, Hazel Talleur, Mildred Elckmann, Janet Gericke, Lenore Stone, Irene Prott and Mrs.

Stricker. Eastern Star News At the regular meeting of the Eastern Star on Monday evening, birthday surprise party was given for the matron, Mrs. Helen Schmidt. She received many gifts and refreshments were served. Mrs.

Schmidt had as her guests: Mra. Guiola Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laumann, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Anderson and son of East St. Louis. Marine Christian Church Sunday school next Sunday 0:30. Rev.

Day will conduct preaching services at 10 a. m. All are invited to these services. Birthday Club Mrs. Earl Shepard entertained the members of the Birthday club at a 5 o'clock dinner at her home on Saturday.

Those present were: POPULAR 1 HITS 10" SINGLES Golden Earrings. I'll Dance at Your Wedding. Peggy -75c I've Got a Home in that Rock. Jesus Is a Rock in the Weary Land. F.

Sinatra Charioteers---75c My Mother's Eyes. You Better Watch Yourself Bub Nellie Lutcher---83c Ace in the Hole. Sometimes I'm Happy. Anita O'Day-75c Paradise. It's Just a Trip to Tipperary.

Johnny Long-75c Jingle Bells. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town. Mercer Pied Pipers-75c Silent Night. Adeste Fideles. Bing Crosby-79c White Christmas.

I'll Be Home For Christmas. Eddy Howard-79c Serenade of the Bells. Gentleman Is a Dope. Jo Stafford-75c Shufflin' the Boogie. St.

Louis Blues. Albert Ammons-79c Pesgy O'Neill. I'm Going to Hate Myself in the Morning. Frankie Carle-75c Civilization. Don't You Love Me Anymore? Jack Sugar Blues.

I've Found a New Baby. Clyde McCoy-79c How Soon? You Do. Crosby Cavaliaro-79c Near You. Red Rose. Francis Craig-79 Mickey.

Martins and the Coys. Ted Weems-79c He's A Real Gone Guy. Let Me Love You Tonight, Nellie Lutcher-63c So Far Lazy Countryside. Margaret Whiting-63c I Wish I Didn't Love You So. Sewing Machine.

Betty Hutton-63c Understand. still Get Jealous. Gordon McRae -75c ALBUMS Finian's Rainbow $4.20 FOUR NOVELTY STRAUSS" WALTZES, Boston Pops $5.25 Campus Favorites. Kay SONGS OF THE SERVICE Semper Paratus (coast guard). Army Air Corps.

Sabre and Spurs (U. S. Cavalry) The Caissons Go Rolling Along. The Infantry. Song of the Signal Corps.

Anchors Aweigh. Crash on Artillery (coast Marines' Hymn. Song of the Army Engineers. Alec Templeton's Musical Portraits $2.94 Mozart Matriculates. Bach Tours Radio City, As Brunnhilde's Battle Cry Might Be Sung by An can Crooner.

Sousa and Strauss In Reverse. A Sultry Day in New York. Opera Presentation of "South of the Border." Vieter Columbia Capital PALACE FURNITURE CO. 117 North Male 04 Phone 100 Mrs. Mary McIntyre of Mrs.

John Huber of Jacksonville, Mra. 1. T. Maupin, Mrs. Herbert Gehrs, Mrs.

Lenora Stone, Mrs. ElIza Gericke and Mrs. Al Selberlich. School Notes The first basketball game of the season was Friday evening between a New Douglas and Marine High school. The score: Marine 28, New Douglas 9.

Grade school game score: Marine 38, New Douglas 8 Next Friday, Marine-Alhambra, both grade and High school will play here. Evangelical and Reformed Church Services each Sunday morning, church school at 9, and worship service at 10 o'clock. Youth Fellowship Area meeting on Monday evening, Nov, 17 at the school gym. Sunday, Nov. 23 will be the inof the officers and teachers of the church school.

Card Party Mrs. Wm. Geers was hostess to the pinochle club at her home Friday evening. High scores were made by Mrs. Hagenbrush, Mrs.

Geers and Mrs. Kohn. Refreshments were served. Personals Mrs. Arnold Messerli was a St.

Louis visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodall and family have moved to Marine the past week. Rev.

Hayward Kehl, E. H. Reinhart, James Walker, John Kettler attended the Synodical Brotherhood meeting and banquet at East St. Louis on Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Buhrmann of St. Louls visited with Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Weber Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grotefendt returned Sunday from a three weeks' honeymoon through the Western states. Misses Virginia Ahring and Esther Brandes returned home Sunday evening, having spent several days in Valles Mines and St.

Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. August Grotefendt and son moved into their new home east of Marine. Mrs.

Wilbur Maedge, Mrs. Klostermeyer, Mrs. Henry Wall, Joann Wall, Anna Koeppe, Edna and Esther Brandes called on Miss Attille Gehrs at the hospital Tuesday and Wedneslay. Mrs. Nellie Walsh of St.

Louls is visiting with Miss Emma Kettler. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bisgen spent several days with relatives at Warsaw, Ill. Mrs.

Fred Ardueser, Mrs. Theresa Koelz of Highland, Mrs. Amelia Olin of Worden called on Mrs. Ida Elbring and Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Delberts on Tuesday evening. John Kettler arrived home Saturday from Newburg, N. where he attended the funeral of Mrs. Bonnie Weed. Mr.

and Mrs. Herbert Taylor of Hause Springs, accompanied him home. Miss Alma Ashauer of St. Louls, Misses Mathilda and Elfrieda Ashauer of Edwardsville spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Frances Ahring.

Mrs. Amelia Olive of Worden Leclaire CHARLES MULACH, Prop 813 Leciaire Avenue -FOR MONARCH FINER FOODS AND DEW KIST FROZEN FOODS CALI 118 OR 114 Monarch Coffee Ib. 49c Monarch Boston Brown Bread 29c Monarch Short Cake Peaches 49c Monarch Pineapple Lb. Jar Preserves 39c Monarch Halves, No. 1 tall can Peaches 25c Monarch Soup Asparagus, Chicken or room for 2.

Dolly Madison Chocolate Covered Peppermint Patties lb. 79c Half Gallon Purex 190 Magio Washing Powder 29c Live Hens lb. 266 Electric Percolators $3.49 Bubbling Light Christmas Tree Sets $3.49 Delivery Service EVERY DAY Twice-a-Day PLENTI OF PARKING SPACE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Feminine Touch rates the home team's dugout. Having purchased controlling interest in the Topeka Western Association Baseball Club; Mrs. Ethel Mohney playfully deco- and Mrs.

Theresa Koelz of Highland were guests of Mrs. Ida Elbring at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Delbert on Tuesday. Mrs.

Mary Mcintyre of Carlinville and Mrs. Huber of Jacksonville visited relatives and friends here over the weekend. Dr. J. D.

Shoemaker moved to Marine on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Liedel, Mr. Theo Lledel and Miss Violet Liedel 1 called on Mr.

and Mrs. O. C. Feldmeler of St. Louis Sunday evening.

U. of I. Offers Aid On School Surveys Because of numerous requests for evaluations of surveys for proposed reorganization of school districts, a University of Illinois committee to assist in these appraisals has been created, Willard B. Spalding, dean of the U. of I.

College of Education at Urbana, sald today. He said that the committee' will, upon request, "undertake to evaluate any survey report on the basis of its adequacy and suitability as a plan through which the best possible educational program can be provided for the people of the county concerned." Named to the committee from the Colleges of Education staff were: Francis Cornell, director of the Bureau of Research and Service; M. R. Sumpton, head of the Division of School Reorganization and Administration; and Raymond Wochner, assistant professor of education. New Douglas Dairymen To Meet on Nov.

19 The annual meeting of the New Douglas local of Sanitary Milk Producers will be held at Royal Neighbors Hall Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 8 p. m. to elect officers for 1948, to elect delegates for the annual meeting of the association and to discuss policies, according to Lorenz Hemann, secretary. J.

J. Early, president of the local, will preside and Director Edwin Ahrens will report on the year's activities and bring current problems before the members for discussion and action. FLAKORN CORN MUFFIN MIX your money's proven corn getting the proven for housewives. by Only muffin thousands gives Flakorn Flakorn quality. Precisionfor sure suits.

FLAKO PIE CRUST QUIKO You'll money's get worth two bakthese ing mixes. MAKO PRODUCTS, CORPORATION N. Glen Carbon Mrs. Caroline Foster Attend Card Party number of ladies from St. Thomas church attended luncheon and card party given by the ladies of St.

Bartholomew Church, in Granite City, last Wednesday. Those who attended. from here were: Mesdames: Charles Modene, George Going, William Holt, John Trebing, Sam Wilkison, John Barney, Augusta' Modene, E. Seaton, Robert Eads and son Larry and Caroline Foster. Announce Engagement Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Augsburger announce the engagement of their son Willis, of South Houston, Texas to Miss Ruth Radley. The marriage will take place November 26. Birthday Club Meeting Mrs. Carl Landrus entertained her Birthday Club Friday evening Pot luck luncheon was served and pinochle was played.

The high scores were won by Mrs. Carl Groteka, Blatnick, MIs. Kermit Weiler, Mrs. Edward Weller Henry Schneider. Personal Shower Miss Nona Brown, of St.

Louis entertained Wednesday evening with a personal shower in honor of Edna Evans. The guests were Miss Evans' friends from Curtiss Wright. Birthday Party Mrs. Walter Wydra entertained a group of friends in honor of her son Walter, Jr's 9th birthday anniversary. Guests were Doris and Donald Sotl, Doris Hardy, Johanna Hinnen, Beverly Perry, Neal Sperandio, Jimmy Eads, Bobby and Sally Ann Wydria.

Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis announce the birth of a daughter. The little girl was born at their home on November 11. Purchased Home Mr.

and Mrs. Tony Bilello, formerly of Granite City have purchased a home in Birger Addlition. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duvale, Jr.

have purchased a home on Main Street. Sick List Mrs. Dorothy O'Hare who was operated on at Barnes Hospital Is getting along nicely. Mrs. Lizzie Ann Kauck was called to Clinton, Indiana due to the serious illness of Mr.

and Mrs. W. Hayes. Personals Mr. and Mrs.

James Manson of Belleville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Evans and family Sunday. Mrs. Harry Evans, Mrs.

Martin Wagner and Mrs. Carl Landrus were Collinsville visitors Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Modene visited in Maryville Friday evening. Mrs.

John Modene and Mrs. Charles Modene were Collinsville visitors Saturday. The St. Thomas Gulld held their regular monthly meeting Thursday evening. Mrs.

Martin Wagner of Washington, D. visited at the home of her niece Mrs. Carl Landrus Thursday evening. Mrs. Wynn Wagstaff was a visitor in Collinsville Friday.

Miss Edna Evans and Albert Miller visited in St. Louis Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Holt and Mr.

and Mris. Adam Belshaw left for Detroit, Michigan to attend Mrs. Judge and Mrs. reading. of their niece.

Dorothy Eardley of Edwardsville and Mrs. Joseph Augsburger visited in East St. Louis. Mrs. Walter Wydra and Thelma Miller were St.

Louis visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Douglas and Mrs. John Wendzinsky attended the showing of "Forever Amber" at the Ambassador in St. Louis last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wilison and Mrs. W. H.

Mayer spent the weekend at the home of A. S. Shears and family at Diveron. Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Perry entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. Higgenbotham of New Douglas Sunday. Creomulsion relleves promptly because it goes a right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel to soothe and heal raw, tender, ingerm laden phlegm, and aid nature famed bronchial mucous membranes.

Tell your druggist to sell you 8 bottle of Creomulston with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have CREOMULSION for Coughs, A Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal SOME STARS ARE BORN OTHERS ARE BUILT BY GAROD And the brightest one for 1948 is the NEW 'Starlet 81 95 (LESS SATTERIGGI LES. OF GLAMOROUS PERSONAL RAD It's the year's most exciting radio. It's a tiny electronic triumph. The "Starlet" will play anywhere, anytime pack it away in a traveling bag, put it in your pocket or carry it along on a convenient shoulder strap. GAROD ALONE BUILDS THE Plays instantly when opened.

Shuts off automatically when lid is closed. Finished in plastic and gold two-tone color combinations. Makes an ideal personalized gift. 'REDMAN'S 111-115 N. MAIN ST.

EDWARDSVILLE, ILL. St. Louis Dealers Ask For Coal From East St. Louls (P)-An organization composed of St. Louls coal dealers has asked Secretary of the Intertor J.

A. Krug to assign 100 carloads of coal from Eastern mines to St. Louis, it was disclosed today. James A. Worsham, executive secretary of the St.

Louis Coal Merchants association, said A serious coal shortage was threatened unless the government acts to divert some coal to St. Louis. Worsham stated the group's members have more than 3,500 unfilled orders averaging approximately four tons each. Two at Reformatory Fired After Stabbing St. Charles, Ml.

(P)-Two employees of the Illinois training school for boys here were dismissed yesterday after an alleged drinking bout ended in a stabbing affray. Col. J. Clifford Hodgins, managling officer the school, said George Adams, 85-year-old printing teacher, had been stabbed by Frank Mitchell, 72, a house father. Adams wounds were not serious and police said the case was "closed" when Adams refused to file a complaint.

Mitchell lives in West Frankfort and Adams' home is in Rockford. Annually, fires attack about 400,000 homes and cause the deaths of 7000 persons from burns. Groups Denounce Chicago Rent Board Chicago (P)-The North Side Tenants League and the Chicago Industrial Union Council said today that the Chicago area rent advisory board should be dismissed because it was "loaded with realtors." In 8 petition to Governor Dwight H. Green, the organizatlions jointly demanded that he dismiss the present rent board and submit a list of new names to Federal Housing Expeditor Tighe Woods that would "representative of the city's The groups said that if the area board again sought a rent increase they would picket its offices and Intelligences Nov. 13, 1947 Page would serid a delegation to Washington to fight the rise.

Woods last week rejected a proposal by the board to boost present rents in Chicago 15 per cent. FOR PROMPT WASH MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE ALL MAKES SUHRES APPLIANCE CO. 235 Main St. Phone 1888 FOUR NORGE DEALER DEAD STOCK HOGS per lb. 4c PIGS per la.



Each $2,19 8-INCH KROGER FLOUR 10-lb. bag 89c With purchase of 10-Lb or more of For GLAS-BAKE PIE PLATE 5c 25-Lb. Bag $1.99 Only 8 PENCILS in gold for only 4.00 With any name printed 25c Genuine Genevo Hi-Carbon Steel KNIVES VALUE ONLY 169 With order blank inserted in each package of Kroger Crackers. WITH ANY 1.00 MEAT PURCHASE Kroger Crackers Ib. box 23c S- SEE -4 inch inch Are You Choosey? Well, you should be about the food you buy, And at Kroger you'll And brand names that are the choice of millions of homemakers like yourself.

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In mesh bag- Texas Marsh Seedless Grapefruit 10 LA Kroger In mesh bag--Kroger juice Oranges 8 L.Da. In mesh bag--Top quality, good cookers Red Triumph Potatoes 10 L.De. Anjou Variety Ripened to give you a taste thrill Kroger Redi-Ripe Pears 2 L.De. SnoCAULIFLOWER fb. Eatmore Brand Oleo Imag 4688 NOW.

The Edwardsville Intelligencer from Edwardsville, Illinois (2025)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.