The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2025)

7:30. 10 WANT Your ADO 4500 THE DAILY PANTAGRAPH, BLOOMINGTON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1936. FIVE Events of Day in Normal CARRINGTON PLANS STUDY Head of Training School to Work on Doctorate at Northwestern. Prof. John W.

Carrington, director of the training schools bureau of appointments at Illinois State Normal university, accompanted by Mrs. Carrington, will leave Normal Sept. 15 for Evanston, where Mr. Carrington will study for his doctor's degree at Northwestern university. Mr.

Carrington recently was granted year's leave of absence. He will be a part in time instructor at Northwestern. Prof. Floyd T. Goodier, director of elementary education at I.

S. N. U. will have charge of Mr. Carrington's work during his absence.

Mr. Goodier's position will be filled by Miss Margaret Cooper, who has been on leave of absence the last year, studying for her doctor's degree at Columbia university. Mr. Carrington has been head of the training school and the appointments bureau for three years, coming to Normal from Cairo, where he was formerly superintendent of schools. 100 Workers Speed Numerous Projects on I.S.N.U.

Campus Illinois State Normal university is a busy place. More than 100 men are now at work building drives, sidewalks, rewiring the old Main building and library, excavating for the moving of the old greenhouse, painting and performing many other tasks preparatory to the opening of the fall semester. The pouring asphalt on the main drive leading from Fell gate, west through the campus to University street, and on the new drive from the west side of the Main building north of Mulberry street, is scheduled to begin Tuesday. This work has been held up for a day or two, while awaiting the shipment of material. It is expected that the concrete walk, leading from south they end of the campus on the east side of McCormick fleld, north to the east side of the main building, will be completed early next week.

A spur walk will be built from the main walk to the Thomas Metcalf training school. Excavation for the new parking areaway, south of the main building, is under way. This is a space where visitors to the school may park temporarily, and is for the benefit of the general public who have occasion to visit the school. The main parking space, however. is at the northwest corner of the campus.

large flagpole that stood at he south edge of the drive, will be moved to the center of the south rim of the areaway. Baby Scouts Plan Heffernan Outing Approximately 20 members of the Cub pack of Normal Central school will spend weekend at Camp Heffernan, Lake Bloomington. The group will leave Central school at 3 p. m. Saturday and will return Sunday night.

The program, Everton Dunk, Cubmaster said Friday, will include hikes on nature trails, swimming and boating, and a campfire Saturday night. The fall program of the pack will start as Mr. soon as Dunk school opens next Tuesday, Central school has the distinction of having the only cub pack in the Corn Belt Boy Scout area. Return From Wisconsin The Rev. and Mrs.

Frank M. Dunk, son Everton, and daughter Muriel, 403 North School street, have returned from a trip to northwestern Wisconsin. A visit was made at Hammond, where Mrs. Dunk's brother, Neal Martin, resides. On the return trip stops were made at Clear Lake, and at Milledgeville, where Milton Dunk is employed as an agricultural teacher in the high school.

GOES TO CARLINVILLE Prof. Elmer W. Cavins, 702 Noravenue, went to Carlinville Friday where he gave an address before the Macoupin county teachers' institute. THEY VISIT CAVE. Lyle and Mildred Sharp, r.

r. 1, Normal, accompanied by Miss Hazel Wossley of the same community, returned Friday from a trip to Mammoth Cave, Ky. HOPEDALE Mrs. Val Nafziger was operated on Monday at the Brokaw hospital in Normal. Both the high and grade schools will open for the year's work Monday, Aug.

31. The same teachers will serve ag last year. At the high school, H. Burton Carlock, principal, Raymond Caton, Misses Louise Kohn, Lois Shakespeare, Helen Clevelin, and Cary Lycan. At the grade school, C.

M. Viehman, principal, Mildred intermediate room; Ruth McBride, primary room. Mr. and Mrs. L.

I. Hannig and on, Paul, of Alma, Mrs. awrence Hannig 'of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hannig and son, Dean, of Billings, and Mrs.

Carrie Noonan of Oakland, visited relatives and friends here the first of the week. Mrs. Nelle Railsback, who is a patient at a Chicago hospital, where she underwent surgical treatment, is doing nicely. Her son, Ben, and daughter, Meriam, visited with her over the weekend. R.

V. Naffziger, Reporter. In the Many Want RADIO ads Bargains TODAV. are listed Phone 4500 Leaves Normal John W. Carrington goes to Evanston Sept.

15 to study for doctor's degree at Northwestern university. Goes to Texas Henry E. Sholty is to teach sheet metal work and drafting in the Technical high school at Dallas. He begins his duties Sept. 6.

Henry E. Sholty Takes Texas Post Henry E. Sholty, who received his bachelor of education degree from Illinois State Normal university in 1935, will leave Sept. 6 for Dallas, to teach sheet metal work and drafting in the Dallas Technical high school. Mr.

Sholty, who lives at 712 West Taylor street, Bloomington, according to records in the appointments bureau at I. S. N. U. is the highest salaried instructor, who has not had public school teaching experience, ever sent out of the local school.

Prior to attending the Normal school, Mr. Sholty had four years of practical experience in the MaGirl foundry in Bloomington, and since his graduation, he has been employed there. He is member of the Kappa Phi Kappa honorary education fraternity at I. S. N.

U. and a member of Beta Kappa fraternity at Illinois Wesleyan university. He is also president of the Young Men's mercial club of Bloomington. Grandfather's Death Learned by Hurseys Mrs. Aubrey Hursey, 1002 South University street, Normal, received word Friday of the death of her grandfather, William Young Sr.

of Carlyle, at the age of 85. His wife died 14 months ago. He is survived by three sons, three daughters, 20 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon, with the following attending from here: Mr. and Mrs.

Hursey, Mr. Mrs. Ralph P. Young and Mr. and Mrs.

Adolph 0. Young. ROANOKE Miss Barbara Smith of Olney, the new English teacher at the high school, came Thursday and will live at the Fred Herbst home. Mrs. A.

Hussemann accompanied her daughter, Mabel, to Sheldon Wednesday where Miss Mabel will teach music and English. Mrs. semann returned home Thursday with Mrs. Kate Forrest. after spending Wednesday, night Verene Wolfe of Prairie City came Wednesday to visit his brother, the Rev.

Claire Wolfe, and family. John Bachman has sold 23 acres of land abutting the village on the south to Dave and Carl Sauder, whose farm joins it on the south. The Methodist Epworth league has elected Dorothy Dolfe and Kenneth De Wilde as delegates and Jean Wallac and Harriet Wyatt as alternates to the general conference to be held in Rock Island in September. Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Schlupp have returned from Iowa and for the present will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlupp. Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Audi have moved into the Audi home vacated by the Herman Viebrock family. Doris Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schirer has been suffering with blood poison in one leg, but is reported to be improving some. Mr.

and Mrs. Grover Springer of Stanford were visiting friends here Tuesday and looking for living quarters for the fall, as Mrs. Springer has been re-employed to teach in the high school. Mrs. A.

Hussemann, Reporter. An albino frog is rarer than human quintuplets. One such frog now exists at the American Museum of Natural History in New York city. MENNONITES GET OFFICES Washington, El Paso, Dan- vers and Other Towns Represented. Pantagraph Central Illinois Service.

Rev. Ben Esch of Washington Was elected vice president of the Central Conference Mennonites in a meeting at Goshen, according to delegates who have returned from the central sessions 20-23 and all Mennonite conference Aug. 24-25 at Topeka, Ind. The Rev. Allan Yoder of Goshen was named president of the conference and others from this vicinity named to offices are: The Rev.

R. L. Hartzler, Carlock, secretary; 0. J. Sommer, Pekin, treasurer, and the Rev.

E. Troyer, Carlock, field secretary. The Rev. Ummel, Pekin, was named vice chairman of the ministerial association and the Rev. Emanuel UIrich, El secretary-treasurer.

C. W. Vercler, Washington, heads the mission board of the conference with the Rev. Emanuel Ulrich, vice chairman, the Rev. I.

R. Detweiler, Bloomington, secretary and 0. Hoover, Bloomington, treasurer. Mrs. S.

E. Maurer of Carlock was re-elected president of the Ladies Aid division with Mrs. B. F. Springer, Danvers, vice president and Mrs.

All Stahly, Carlock, secretary and treasurer. E. Risser, Danvers, was elected president of the Sunday school division with Earl Stuckey, Washington, vice president; Miss Helen Springer, Danvers, secretary-treas urer; Miss Alma Garber, Gibson City, cradle roll; Mrs. Emil Sommer, Middlebury, elementary; the Rev. Frank Mitchell, Cummins, young people; Sam Baughman, Gridley, adults; Mrs.

J. Sommer, Peoria, temperance; Mrs. Earl Salzman, Topeka, missionary; Mre. Pearl Anderson, Chicago, home department; the Rev. H.

E. Nunemaker, Tiskilwa, peace; C. L. Kaufman, Hudson, Illinois field secretary and the Rev. S.

S. Yoder, Middlebury, Ind, Indiana field secretary. The Central Conference of Mennonites had the largest delegation of the 17 conferences represented at the all Mennonite meeting which includes all the Mennonite churches in the United States and Canada. The Rev. Earl Salzman of Topeka, formerly Carlock, was host pastor to conference sessions.

The Rev. I. R. Detweiler of Bloomington presided with the Rev. P.

E. Whitmer of Pandora, Ohio as the secretary. BEASON Miss Dorothy Givens of Paxton has been engaged to teach English in the high school in place of Miss Jessie Cassidy, who recently resigned. Miss Lois Everitt, home economics instructor, who also resigned, will be replaced by Mies Ruth Overman of Urbana. Miss Cassidy has accepted a position in Alton and Miss Everitt in Muncie, Ind.

Mr. and Mrs. George Curry have moved into the Shaw Mr. and Mrs. A.

V. and property. family have returned home after a trip over the eastern states. Mr. and Mrs.

V. C. Manley and children have moved into the Curry property instead of the as previously stated. Mr. and Mre.

Eli Lohr and children and Miss Lois Gehlbach have returned after a trip to Seattle, and other places of interest in the west. The young peoples classes of the Methodist Episcopal church held a the church lawn Wednesday night. Twenty five young People attended. the The parsonage girls Friday were night to meet with Mrs. L.

A. Whitnah of Lincoln to organize a Queen Esther'e club. Mr. Roach announced a meeting at the church Sunday night at 7 o'clock to discuss organizing an Epworth league. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles R. Martin and daughter have moved into their property recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Troxell.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilson and children and Miss Mabel Wilson of Sioux City, Mrs. William Wyllie and daughter of Emington and Miss Elsie Wilson of Bloomington have been spending their vacations at the home of Mr. and Mre.

William Wilson. Doris Keys, Reporter. MORTON Mrs. Ira McMillan returned to her home in New London, Ohio, on Tuesday following a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Rosella Brown, who lives with her daughter, Mrs.

Albert Gibson here. Mrs. McMillan remained with her mother while Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gibson were visiting with the former's mother and father, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Gibson in New London, Ohio. Farmers in this locality intend to plant a great amount of alfalfa as soon as enough rain is received. Miss Eleanor Reinken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Reinken of Blandinsville, who has visited a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Oekel, returned to her home Thursday in company with Miss Helen Tuffentsamer who accompanied her and visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.

Tuffentsamer here. Pearl Shannabarger, Reporter. DANCE TONIGHT LAKE BLOOMINGTON Modern and Old Time Music by DON AMMERMAN'S Six Piece Orchestra H. M. Geirger, Caller Also Modern Dance Sunday Night Music by Collegiate Club Orchestra 10e Evening Badge, John Hinthorn, Manager FISH FRY SATURDAY, AUG.

29 AT H. BLEAVINS TAVERN Route 150, LEROY, Illinois Services in Churches Sunday Notices to be included in this section must reach the church editor Thursday. Bright Rainbow in Eastern Sky Attracts Many in City One of the most brilliant rainbows seen in a long time appeared in the eastern sky about 6:20 p. m. Friday rind remained about 15 minutes.

Hundreds Bloomington persons were attracted by perfection of the "bow," the seven primary colors being clearly outlined, in Pantagraph the huge received semicircle. many telephone calls from persons who had seen the rainbow and wanted others to enjoy the spectacle. street. The Rev. M.

C. Wright, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 Mrs. Nevada Bond, superintendent. Preaching at 11, WEST OLIVE-1306 West Olive street.

The Rev. W. Ross Thornton, pastor. day school and morning worship, 9:30. Sermon theme, "The Spiritual Eve.

ning worship, A 1. -Washington and Roosevelt streets. The Rev. R. D.

Folkers, pastor. Church school, a. Paul Hauser, superintendent. Worship, theme, "The Bible and Life." MISSIONS. HOME SWEET HOME CITY RESCUE- 212 South Main street.

Will Shelper, Intendent. Sunday school. 9:30 Grover C. Logan. superintendent.

Mission service, 3 and 7:30 p. m. Mr. Shelper will speak. SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY-1105 South East street.

The Rev. E. G. Dill, superIntendent. Church school, 9:30 1.

M. Lovell, superintendent. Morning ship, 10:45. Mina Juliette Breedlove, miesionary under appointment for India, will give the address, Young people, children and adult Bible study classes, 6:30 p. m.

Preaching at 7:30. BLOOMINGTON HEIGHTS- A communit Sunday school will be at 2:30 p. m. at the Little Brick school with W. B.

Davis as superintendent. INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL 812 West Markit street. P. D. Nafziger, BUperintendent.

Sunday school, 9:30 m. Morning worship, 10:30. PRESBYTERIAN. FIRST and East streets. The Rev.

Daniel J. Gretzinger, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 Harry Melby, tendent. Preaching at 10:40 a. by the Rev.

Samuel VanderMeer of Morris Fork, Ky. Union service, 7:30 p. at the First Presbyterian lawn. Wesleyan night will be observed. SECOND -East and Monroe streets.

Dr. Harold R. Martin, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 Mrs. Harry Riddle, general superintendent.

Morning worship, 10:45. Dr. Martin will preach on "An Adventur. ous Church." The quartet will sing "'He Sendeth the Springs." Wareing and Chorister's Mueller. Union evening service, 7:30, on the First Presbyterian lawn.

SALVATION ARMY. BLOOMINGTON POST-Front and Rooseelt streets. Adj. and Mre. Charles Overstake, officers.

Sunday school, 9:30 a. Holiness meeting, 10:45. Evangelistie vice, 7:45 p. m. These services will be at the Salvation Army tent.

SCIENTIST. FIRST -CHURCH OF CHRIST-Monroe and Prairie streets. Sunday school. 9:30 m. Morning service, 11, Subject, Wednesday evening testimonial meeting, 7:45.

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST. FIRST--Odd Fellows buliding, 116 East Jefferson street. Sabbath service, 2:30 p. m. Saturday.

Bible school, 3:30. UNITED BRETHREN. FIRST-Roosevelt and Union streets. Rev. L.

L. Baughman, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. Dr, J. R.

Holbert, suI perintendent. Morning worship, 10:45. The Rev. L. 8.

Bowman, missionary from Sierra Leone, West Africa, wil speak. The organist, Miss Dorothy Arbogast, will play "Open Portals," Lien and "With Pomp and Glory," Kohlman, and the choir will sing "Spirit Divine," Von Berge. The Intermediate and Senior C. E. groups will have a united session at 6:30 p.

m. to hear Mr. Bowman. Evening service, 7:30: pastor's topic, Greatest Request of the SECOND--Clinton and Bell streets. The Rev.

W. 0. Simpson. pastor. Sunday achool, 9:30 a.

M. A. Osman, superintendent. Morning worship, 10:30. tor's theme, Conduct." Junior church, 10:30 a.

Eileen Martin, superintendent. Intermediate C. 6:30 p. Mrs. Delpha Massie, superintendent.

Senior league, 6:30, Harold Troyer, leader. Evangelistic service, Cornelius Kerr, song leader; Harold McClure, evangelist, UNITY. BLOOMINGTON CENTER 316 Eddy building. Mrs. Esther L.

Coon, jeader. Sunday school, 9:30 m. Morning set: vice, 11; subject, "Knowing and Doing." Evening service, subject, "Life's Inner Motive." Normal Churches MENNONITE Church and University streets. The Rev. R.

Detweiler, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 8, m. Morning wor: ship, 10:30. Pastor's topic, "Nature and Function of the Christian Church." At 7:30 p. m.

the Christian Endeavor will present a symbolic play, "'The Gift." METHODIST EPISCOPAL 1 101 North Fell avenue, Normal. The Rev. O. B. selman, pastor.

Sunday school, 9:30 a. L. W. Hacker, superintendent. Morning worship, this will be held at the Presbyterian church with Rev.

Mr. Engelman preaching on "What Are You Worth?" Central Illinois Churches COLFAX EVANGELICAL LUTHERANThe Rev. F. M. Bunge, pastor.

Services will be conducted in the afternoon, with Modern and Old Time Dance Tonite and Every Saturday Night MOOSE HALL Roosevelt A Ave, and Jefferson St. Music by. Bloomington Night Hawks" Gents, 25e Ladies, Dance Tonight O'NEIL'S JOHNNY DYAR'S RHYTHM BAND Gents Dancing Free Ladies N. D. Kent, Mgr.

Watch for ONEIL'S Big Ad Tomorrow the administration of the holy communion in both English and German, the English services beginning at 2:15. The sermon theme will he Sinner's Prayer for Mercy." A meeting of the congregation will follow. Sunday school will be held at 3:30. COVELL METHODIST EPISCOPALThe Rev. W.

Ross Thornton, pastor. Sunday school, 10 m. m. Morning worship, 11; subject, "'The Spiritual CHENGA TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN- -The Rev. F.

M. Bunge, tor. Choir practice will be held Saturday night, Sunday school, 10 a. Wayne Hemken, superintendent. Morning worship with administration of the holy communion.

11; sermon theme, Sinner's Prayer for Mercy." No services will. be conducted in this church Sept. FAIRBURY CHRISTIAN The Rev. Charles D. Hougham, pastor.

Bible school, 9:45 m. communion, preaching, 11. Young people's meeting. 6:30 p. m.

FAIRVIEW CHURCH -The Rev. C. Shepherd, pastor. Sunday school, 10 preaching, 11, M. D.

Hornbeck will give the sermon. FISHER METHODIST EPISCOPAL- -The Rev. Gordon Waggoner, minister. Sunday school, 9:45 Henry Koyen, superintendent. Morning worship, 11.

Epworth league, 6:30 p. Joe Allen, president. DEWEY METHODIST EPISCOPAL- The Rev. Gordon Waggoner, minister. Morning worship, 9:45.

Sunday school, 10:45, Wit dam Asherman, superintendent. FISHER CHRISTIAN- The Rev. 0. Richardson, minister. Sunday school, 10 0.

B. McEldowney, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 m. Midweek services. 7:30 p.

m. Wednesday, Young people's meeting. 6:30 p. m. Sunday evening services, 7:30.

HUDSON METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rev. John La Blouch. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. J.

H. Hadley, dent. Public worship, 11. Epworth league, p. Roland Cox, leader.

Evening worship, KAPPA METHODIST- The Rev. John L. Blough, pastor, Sunday school, 10:30 m. Frank Nelson. superintendent.

Missionary society will meet Sept. HEYWORTH PRESBYTERIAN The Rev. H. L. Lucas, pastor.

Church services will be resumed next Sunday after a brief vacation period. The pastor returned from ona Lake, where he attended Bible conference will speak on "The Major Emphasia and the Deeper Union vices, 8 p. in the Christian church. LEROY CRUMBAUGH SPIRITUALISTCharles Gibson, pastor. Services will be held at 7:30 p.

Sunday, The subject will be Power of Thought." M'LEAN CHRISTIAN- The Rev. Harry W. Talley, pastor, will give sermon at 7:30 p. m. services Sunday, OCOTA COMMUNITY- -Sunday school, 10 preaching at 11, and 7:30 p.

m. by Evangelist Collishen of Chicago and singing by Mrs. Collishen. PONTIAC GRACE EPISCOPAL The Rev. F.

H. 0. Bowman, vicar, Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Litany, 7:15 Holy eucharist, 7:30: Matina, 9:05. Choral eucharist and sermon. 9:30.

Church school, 10:45. Weekday eucharista, 7:30 a. m. except Monday and Wednesday, SAVBROOK UNITED BRETHREN The Rev. Oral F.

Landis, pastor, Sunday school, 10 Clarence Crawford, superintendent. Morning worship and sermon, 11: pastor's theme, "Whose Is This This la a service recognizing the opening of the pubile school. Evening service of the Bible Book club, 7:30 p. the pastor will discuss the Book of Ruth. SECOR METHODIST EPISCOPAL- -The Rev.

John L. Blough, pastor. Public worship, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10:30, H.

Witley, superintendent. TOWANDA BAPTIST- The Rev. Fred R. Johnson, pastor. Morning worship, 10.

Bible study, B. Y. P. 6:30 p. m.

Union evening service at the Methodist church, Rev. Mra. Dudman will preach. The committees on the 80th anniversary program will report, Ladies circle will meet at 2 p. m.

Thursday. TOWANDA PRESBYTERIAN- The Rev. W. A. Bodell, pastor.

Sunday school, 10 A. m. There will be no morning preaching. Union evening services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. Mra.

Dudman preaching. WAYNESVILLE CHRISTIAN Sunday school, 10 a. preaching, 11. Bible study, 7:45 p. m.

Monday, Evangelistic message by E. C. Shepherd, Wednesday night. WAYNESVILLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL. The Rev.

Franklin Harwood, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 A D. Buck, superintendent. Morning worship, 10:45.

No evening services. The estimating committee will meet at the church at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. The fourth quarterly conference will be held at the church Tuesday noon, when church officials will be elected and the year's reports will be heard.

WEST TWIN GROVE -The Rev, Lee Davis, pastor. Sunday school, 10 Wilbur J. Subke, superintendent. Morning worship, 11, "Friendship, Christian Bond." Evening service, 8, tople "Sermons Preached from the Hilltope." Young peopie's meeting, 7 p. m.

Tax Sales to Start Oct. 8, Dooley Says County Treasurer Charles E. Dooley Friday announced that about Sept. 21 he will begin advertising for judgments on property upon which the real estate tax is delinquent. The second and last installment on real estate taxes is due on or before Sept.

1. Sale of tax delinquent property, Mr. Dooley said, will start about Oct. 8. Morgan has been sellign religious Point, Whitley school, John WeubRuth Flesburg of Wenona at Pleas- IN TONIGHT HAL RISS and His Music 80c Couple 25c Extra Lady SUNDAY SPECIAL BILL BLEY and His Colonial Club Orchestra 10 Talented Musical Men 70e Couple 25e Extra Lady 2 Parachute Jumps One Early and One Late Sunday, Aug.

30 Municipal Airport Starting 1 P. M. Also Stunt Flying Airplane Rides Not One Dull Moment. Free Admission SCHOOL PLANS ARE OFFERED Board Hears Two Ideas for Taking Care of Overflow Pupils. A survey of the problem of providing accomodationa for 250 to 300 Bloomington high school pupils was presented to board members Friday night by Supt.

James A. Lindsay, Tentative in nature and intended 88 a basis for discussion, the survey discussed two possible solutions One is the expansion of the pres ent high school building. The other is the adoption of a junior high school system. The survey, distributed at the close of regulat board meeting in the high school, was not discussed, but will be considered at a subsequent meeting. EMPLOYS TEACHERS.

The board employed 13 teachers approved by its teachers committee and accepted resignations of five Employed were Katherine J. erer, Chicago, Franklin school; Margaret O'Malley, Kewanee, Washington; Loretta Frick, Appleton, Wis, Emerson; Margaret Egbert, Aledo, Abraham Lincoln; Adriana Nelson, Topeka, Abraham Lincoln; William A. Hammitt, Bloomington, Abrahem Lincoln; Houghton, Bloomington, Sheridan; Gladys Colgan, Wyoming, Raymond school; Russell Weber, Iowa City, Volk, Bloomington, Julia Holder, Bloomington, Harry 0. Ellison, Wenona, and Chester Thomson, Normal, all to teach at Bloomington high school. Accepted were resignations of Eugenia Johnson, Jean Wagner, Alma W.

Carlson, L. G. Wright and Wahnetah Brummett. FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN. Five persons were assigned to teach crippled children of the city unable to attend regular school.

They were Mrs. Bonnie Slava, Mrs. Edna B. Moore, Miss Alta Henry, Miss Bernice Doolin, and Mra Louise Gelsthorpe. MUSIC.

Board members voted to set aside $600 or less from the teachers' salary account for employment of A part time instrumental music instructor. Dr. Lindsay stated the board probably could obtain the services of an advanced music student at one of the two Bloomington-Normal universities. He said he hoped the position would be made full time after a trial of one year. COAL.

The contract for approximately 1,900 tons of coal for Bloomington grade schools was awarded to West Side Coal company of Springfield. Specifications called for August price of $3.24 per ton and season price of $3.64. Purchase of some 600 tons for the high school was referred again the janitors and supplies committee when it WAS decided to give further study to bids offered. The coal will come from Saline and Franklin county mines, board members said. WPA CO-OPERATION.

The board voted to co-operate A8 fully a8 possible with WPA adult education class programs this winter. M. L. Houser representing the WPA, told board members the federal government would pay teachers and buy necessary supplies for continuation of the classes only if the board would furnish classrooms, heat, light, and other incidental needs. "Our conception is that the entire cost of the program except teachers' salaries and incidentals must be borne by the board or some such body if the classes are to continue.

If we haven't sold ourselves to the board and the public during DEER PARK Located Between on Route 178 LaSalle and South of 7A Ottawa, IN. SEE- -Stockade and Blockhouse, Arch Bridge, Devil's Paint Box, Giants' Bathtub, Waterfalls, Springs, Pools, Caves, Spectacular Rocks, Brilliantly Colored Rock Walls, Interesting Deer Reservations. These and many other sights are available within comparatively small area. Innumerable graveled trails provide pleasure and adventure. KENDALL THEATER Farmer City, Ill.

SATURDAY (ONLY) August 29 GEORGE O'BRIEN in 'Border Patrolmen' SUNDAY MONDAY August 30 and 31 JOE E. BROWN in "Sons o' Guns" Sunday Continuous from 3 O'Clock Monday First Show 7:30 the last year we don't want to come in again." Dr. Lindsay expressed approval of the WPA education program saying it is "one of the most valuable things we can do." Mra. Mae Fairfield, superintendent of the program. in a letter to the board had asked use of several schools for two nights a week.

When the question was raised by Mra, Edith 'M. LaBounty, a board member, Dr. Lindsay said the program should not interfere with use of the buildings for meetings of Parent-Teacher associations and like bodies. BAPTIST. FIRST- Jefferson and Gridley streets.

The Ralph G. Carson, pastor, Sunday school, 9:20 Charles Finkbiner, perintendent. Morning worship, 10:40. The Rev. William Steinkraus of Jerseyville will be the guest preacher.

Union service, 7:30 on the First Presbyterian lawn. UNION-615 West Jackson street. The Rev. J. W.

Fitta, pastor, Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning service, 10:30. FIRST-210 East Front street. Garret Hazekamp, pastor.

Bible school, 9:30 m. Bible exposition, 10:45. The Rev. Walter J. Barta will speak on "Satan and the Church of the Mystery." Evening service, theme, "Unto Good CATHOLIC.

BEREAN BIBLE CENTER. HOLY TRINITY Chestnut and Main streets. The Rev. 8. N.

Moore, pastor. Masses will be at 5:30. 7, 8, 9 and 10 a. m. ST.

MARY'S-591 West Jackson street. The Rev. Fr. Callistus pastor. Masses will be at 6, and 10 the last high mass.

NT. PATRICK'S Locust and North Western avenue, The Rev. Pr. M. at J.

O'Callaghan, pastor, Masses will be 6, 7:30 and 9:30 a. m. CHRISTIAN. -East Grose street and Willard avenue. The Rev.

L. H. T. Hooe, 0. pastor.

Bible school, 9:30 Tiffin, superintendent, Morning worship, 10:30. The pastor will give a devotional sermon and Mrs. Cramer Garst will sing. FIRST--Jefferson and Lee streets. The Rev.

Chester B. Grubb, pastor. Church school, 9:15 a. m. Morning service, 10:15.

Leslie Kehres will give the sermon and Leon Vanderwater will aing. Union Ice, 7:30 p. on the First Presbyterian lawn. SECOND -Mulberry and Evane streets. The Rev.

Harry W. Talley, pastor. Bible school, 9:15 a. Walter Wells, tendent. Church services will be at 10.

Sermon theme, Good THIRD South Western avenue. The Rev. R. T. Hancock, pastor.

Bible school, 9:30 m. Mrs. Helen Gaines, superintendent. Communion and preaching, 11. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE.

SPENCE MEMORIAL-701 West Washington street. The Rev. J. 0. and Edna Wells Hoke, pastors, Sunday school, 9:30 m.

Morning worship, 10:45. Young people's meeting. 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30.

COMMUNITY. WESTERN AVENUE--West Locust and North Western avenue. The Rev. Frank L. Breen, pastor.

Morning service with sermon by the pastor, 9. CHURCH OF GOD. CENTRAL-708 West Locust street. The Rev. Swecker, pastor.

Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:45. ject, "A Victorious Church." Young people's service, 6:45 p. m.

Preaching, 7:45: special singing. FIRST -Roosevelt avenue and Scott street. The Rev. and Mrs. William J.

Parker, pastors, Sunday school, 9:30 A. m. Morning worship, 10:45. Rev. Mr.

Parker will preach on "'The New Testament Recorda. Young people's meeting, 6:30 p. Wanita Gosnell, leader. Evening nervice, 7:30, Mrs. Parker will speak on All Shall Meet.

The women's quartet will sing at morning serices and at the evening service, Want My Life to Tell." EPISCOPAL. ST. MATTHEW'S -Jefferson and Prairie streets. The Rev. Arthur B.

Cope, pastor. The 12th Sunday after Trinity, Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Kindergarten and primary church school, 9:30. Holy eucharist and sermon at 9:30 a.

m. by the Rev. E. H. Creviston of All Saints cathedral, Milwaukee.

EVANGELICAL. FRIEDENS Front and Lee streets. The Rev. Henry W. Warber, pastor.

Sunday school, 9 a. m. Morning service, 10. FREE METHODIST. FIRST-818 East Chestnut street.

The Rev. Ruth B. Emigh, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 R. Mra.

Ella Dickerson. superintendent. Morning worship, 10:45. Praise service, 7 p. m.

Sermon at 7:30. LIGHTHOUSE. BLOOMINGTON, 911 West Washington street. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.

Preaching at 10:45. LATTER DAY SAINTS. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST -Knights of Pythias hall, Jefferson and Lee streets. Misses Helen W. Summers and Clarice Craner, missionaries.

Services will be held at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. at the Knights of Pythias hall.

LUTHERAN. FIRST -Olive and Allin streets. The Rev. A. Richard Hedstrom, pastor.

Church school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship. 10:30, TRINITY Madison and Olive streets. The Rev.

W. E. Hohenstein, pastor. Edgar Rakow, student assistant. No Sunday school.

English confessional service, German communion service, English communion service, 10:30. Pastor's topic, "A Christian No evening worship. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. FIRST -East and Grove streets. The Rev.

Raye Ragan, pastor. Sunday school, 9:15. a. m. Morning service, 10.

The pastor will preach on "Caustic Christian Challenges." Misses Maurine and Eleanor Palmer will give a duet. Epworth league devotions will be led by Miss Ruth Drexler. Union service, 7:30 p. on the First Presbyterian lawn. GRACE Locust and East streets.

The Rev. C. H. Young, pastor. Church school, 9:30 a.

m. Morning service, 10:30. Sermon theme, "Adventurous Religion." Union service, 7:30 P. on the First Presbyterian lawn; Wesleyan night will be observed. PARK--Oakland avenue at Allin street.

The Rev. M. S. Harvey, minister. Church school.

9:30 a. Harry C. Dixon, superintendent. Morning worship, 10:40. The minister will give a sermon on Russell Fielder, organist, will play "Kamenoi Ostrow," Rubinstein: "Remembrance." Berthoven and "Andante in flat," Widor, a quartet composed of Mrs.

Mabel Smock, Mrs. Frank Moyer, E. D. Robb and Harry Dixon will sing Love, That Wilt Not Let Me Go," Peace. Evening service, Miss Kathryn Ummel and Miss Juanita Gerber will give a concert.

Mrs. Louise Haskell, organist, will play "Largo," Handel; Art Thou," Monestel and Rheinberger. WAYMAN-A. M. North Center EL PASO Tonight Virginia Weidler in "GIRL OF THE OZARKS" Sunday and Monday W.

C. Fields Rochelle Hudson "POPPY" Pavement Dance Leroy, Ill. TONIGHT Forest Shumaker's Orchestra FRIED CHICKEN DINNER TONIGHT Music by Bus Lawyer CABBAGE PATCH Mile East of Ball Park LABOR TROUBLE. Upon the motion of L. M.

Byerly board members voted to write the publishers of Current Events, school magazine, urging that they exert every effort to settle labor difficulties in their plant. The letter was asked by the Trades and Labor asBloomington, Byerly's suggestion that it expressly state the approval of the Bloomington board for the principles of organized labor was accepted. PLAYGROUND. Improvement of the playground at Jefferson school was assigned to the Berenz Son company on a bid of $1,890. The Walter C.

Schwartz company bid $1,975, The work will consist of placing a durable all-weather surface on the Also authorized was construction of a six foot wire fence along the north side of the grounds, This was designed to protect children from street traffic. City Council Passes Pinball Ordinance (Continued from Page 3) drainage, In frequently flooded for this reason. "I don't believe that certain homes should be flooded because of other people's carelessness," he declared. Mr. McCullough espoused the proposal, declaring that his ment and that of Charles T.

Evans, streets superintendent, were unable to cope with the condition without public co-operation. NO PARKING. Abatement of congestion was recommended in Alderman James McKee's proposal that police place no parking signs at Lincoln and Clayton streets, location of the Illinois Livestock Commission company. He said sales days reclogging of the thor. oughfares.

The council voted approval. Mr. Sargent added as an amendment that the police also place such signs to prevent parking on the east side of Evans street between Grove and Olive streets. COAL. BILLS, PAYROLLS.

Bills amounting to $56,030.34 and a $13,181.72 payroll were approved. the A child is born with all its muecles in place. Every muscle fiber an that the child ever will have is proa duced before birth. to MEDOL (RVIN 25e A After Till 6 P. M.

6 P. M. NOW! world of mirth as the screen's No. comedian turns salesman. BROWN Earthworm JUNE National Picture TRAVIS Warner -First ADDED JOY! Etting Comedy Science Pontar 15c 20c Mat.

Eve. CASTLD Last Times Today! Jack London's "WHITE FANG" MICHAEL WHALES--JEAN MUIR ALSO Chapter GORDON" CARTOON HOUR AT 12 NOON SUNDAY and MONDAY He was one of the Northwest Mounties. They always get their man. 50 does gor. geous Jeanette! Singing their way into the hearts of the world! Jeanette Mac DONALD NELSON EDDY ROSE MARIE An MGM Picture.

The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.